
  • Please arrive at least 30 mins before your booked entry half hour, to check in and make up your group and be allotted your number. Try to make sure that all in the Group listen out for the group number later to be called.The earlier you arrive, the earlier you may enter the Scarezone. If you miss your entry half hour we will try and fit you in later, if possible. If you miss your day - that's devilish bad luck. There are no refunds.

  • Scaresville continues whatever the weather and the majority of the route is outside. If there has been a lot of rain it gets muddy, and October nights can be quite cold. Wear clothes suitable for the cold and wet and wellies or boots. Not your new trainers! No umbrellas are allowed for safety reasons.

  • We don't allow visitors to wear full face masks or costumes in Scaresville. It's better overall if you leave the costumes to us!

  • Warm and waterproof clothes and shoes. Don't bring your handbag - stash whatever you need in your pockets. Do not leave valuable items in your vehicle.

  • Shining a low-level lit torch means "I WANT TO LEAVE!" the Scarezone. Don’t show a torch at a Scare as the Scare will not operate and the whole group will miss out. Show between Scares to ask to be let out.

  • If you are booking for more than 10 people, you will need to make two or more bookings. If you are booking for more than 24 people, please call Scare HQ (01787 310207 (tel:01787 310207) ) as you will be entitled to an extra discount.

On the night

  • The Scaresville experience is designed to take approximately an hour from the time when you enter the Scarezone. You may be held up by slow moving groups ahead but we try to minimise the effect of this. If you are booking a taxi to collect you after the experience please note that you might not enter the ScareZone until the end of the timeband that you have booked for, so please allow for entering then, for perhaps not exiting for an hour and a quarter and add another ten/fifteen minutes for going to the loo and getting back to the entrance. It may be better for you to wait for the taxi than to have the taxi waiting around for you or leaving the driver having decided you were not coming.

  • You will walk the entire route, so please come prepared prepared to walk without a break for in hour or so. The ground may be uneven, and we sometimes make it deliberately so. You need to decide before booking if you or any in your party may find this too testing or difficult.

  • Groups are put into the ScareZone at set intervals. That interval must be maintained throughout. However, groups may move at different speeds and a fast moving group may catch a slow-moving one. Your group should always try to maintain its distance from the group ahead. Slow down or stop, wait and regulate the timings yourselves. Our Marshals may ask you to wait at times. Please wait patiently if you are asked to do so.

  • No. We do not permit any filming or photography at all within the Scaresville ScareZone. Scaresville is designed to be enjoyed in the dark; any light-sources, beyond the ones we strategically place, will destroy it for you and for others. Life seen and experienced through your own eyes is far better than through a lens!

  • It is not possible to be precise. The food and drink stalls are selected to serve easily consumed fare. Once called your party may have 10 to 12 mins to wait before entry. Time enough to consume anything they had bought.

  • ScaresVille is designed to be an immersive and challenging experience. As such, the event involves navigating through dark, confined, and uneven spaces. Due to the nature of these environments, wheelchairs are unfortunately not permitted within the Scare Zone.

    We also advise against attending if you have any mobility issues, including difficulty walking or maintaining balance. The event is physically demanding, and we prioritise the safety of all guests.

    If you have specific accessibility requirements or concerns, please contact us directly before booking your tickets.


  • The clue is in the name. ScaresVille! It is scary, but fun, we hope to make you laugh as much as we make you scream. It can be too much for some visitors who ask to leave, but that's only one or two a night!

  • No! Scaresville changes each year, however some 'old favourites' remain but may be improved. Entirely new scares or the way we present scares are introduced each year. Please note not all scares may operate every night.

  • If you become too scared, you should ask to leave. Seek directions from a marshal or scarer who can direct you towards the easiest route to leave by. Some too scared to start or in early scares may be able to join again later on. We try to assist visitors wishing to leave without disrupting too much the rest for he party.


  • At booking stage you will have to choose your Entry Time band for the evening. This is the hour during which you are due to enter the Scarezone. When you arrive we will assign you an entry order. Those who arrive earliest will go in earliest etc. For example, if you book for the 7:15pm-7:45pm Entry Time Band you may enter the ScareZone at 7pm if you arrive early, but you might not enter until nearly 8pm, depending on how many groups arrive before you.

  • Scaresville is an adult event. We strongly advise that Scaresville is not suitable for children aged under 14. If a child or young person appears seriously frightened we may ask the parent or guardian to take the child out.

  • All visitors under 18 must be accompanied by an adult over 21 years of age at all times. Should any under 18 year old request to leave the ScareZone, they must be accompanied by an adult. If there is only one adult accompanying the group, all under-18s in that group will be asked to leave the ScareZone.

  • Scaresville is not suitable for those that are pregnant, have a heart or photosensitive condition or are frail. Strobe lighting, smoke and other sound and light effects will be used throughout the route. There is over one hour of constant walking involved. You will jump. You will be surprised. You will be scared. If you are of a sensitive disposition, Scaresville may not be for you. If you think you might struggle to walk for an hour comfortably, climb over obstacles and over uneven ground, Scaresville may not be for you. Unfortunately Scaresville is unsuitable for wheelchairs. If you, or any member of your party have a significant disability of any sort, please contact Scare HQ before booking.

  • There are no refunds and we regret we cannot re-schedule your tickets. If you miss out, you miss out.