Terms & Conditions

1. A ticket booking secures entry to the Scarezone at Scaresville on the date and within the time band you booked. You should expect to enter the Scarezone within the period of your booked slot or within about 30 minutes of its end, though this cannot be guaranteed.

2. Scaresville operates with groups. To visit the Scarezone, every ticket holder will be allocated to a group of about 10, will enter as part of that group, and must remain with it throughout. If a ticket holder becomes detached from the group, they will not experience any scares until reuniting with their group or may be asked to leave.

3. If ticket holders arrive after their booked time band has expired, Scaresville will use reasonable efforts to fit them in later that night, but usually after ticket holders who have booked for a later time band. If there is no space, Scaresville may, at its discretion, offer a time band on a later date instead, but this offer cannot be guaranteed.

4. Scaresville and Kentwell Hall reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone exhibiting aggressive or antisocial tendencies or who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Anyone displaying aggressive or antagonistic behavior or not complying with Scaresville's rules will be asked to leave and escorted out. For safety reasons, persons wearing any form of temporary cast, medical brace, using crutches, or walking with a stick may not be admitted.

5. Scaresville is a scare event designed to take participants out of their everyday comfort and subject them to unexpected experiences. Ticket holders must expect that they may experience intense and varied audio and lighting, extreme low visibility, strobe lights, fog, damp or wet conditions, high and low temperatures, and a physically demanding environment. They should understand that inherent risks are involved in attending Scaresville, including but not limited to the risk of tripping, falling, stumbling, being knocked into or over, stubbing toes, banging into objects, low headroom, or becoming unbalanced. Scaring exploits uneven or changing levels, varying surfaces underfoot, and uneven ground, whether natural or contrived. Scaring also utilizes every form of apprehension, both natural and created. By entering Scaresville, ticket holders agree to release the owners, occupiers, operators, organisers, and employees from any liability, harm, injury, death, cost, or expense arising directly or indirectly from attending Scaresville.

6. Persons should not book tickets or attend Scaresville if pregnant, suffering from claustrophobia, or prone to seizures, heart, or respiratory problems.

7. Scaresville is an adult event and is not intended for children. It is strongly advised that Scaresville is not suitable for children under 14. It is left to the parent or guardian, in light of this advice, to determine suitability for those in their care. All children aged 18 or under must be accompanied by a guardian aged over 21. If a child or young person appears seriously frightened, we may ask the parent or guardian to take the child out and stay with them. If there is only one adult aged over 21 with the group, then the whole group will be asked to leave. ID may be required on entry.

8. Smoking is not permitted on site, including e-cigarettes and vapes. No alcohol or food may be brought onto the site, and any bought at the site must not be taken within the Scarezone.


9. Scaresville continues regardless of weather and welcomes adverse conditions, including mist, fog, rain, wind, thunder, lightning, and storm. Ticket holders should dress suitably and wear appropriate footwear for the weather on the night. Umbrellas are not permitted within the Scarezone. Groups must keep moving steadily from entry to exit and not linger in covered areas to avoid weather, as this can interfere with the progress of other groups.

Unforeseen Circumstances

10. Scaresville does not guarantee the time when a ticket holder will enter the Scare Zone at Scaresville or ensure uninterrupted progress through the Scare Zone after entry. Unexpected events such as power cuts, severe weather, flooding, medical emergencies, disruptive behavior, or other unforeseen circumstances may cause delays, interruptions, or even the closure of the event. In these instances, we may ask ticket holders to wait until the situation is resolved. If a ticket holder’s entry into the Scare Zone is delayed by more than an hour beyond the booked time slot, or if their group’s progress within the Scare Zone is halted for more than an hour, they may choose to abort their visit. Upon doing so, they should claim an interruption ticket, which can be exchanged for a ticket to a later night during the same Scaresville season. If Scaresville is unable to operate on a particular night for any reason, ticket holders may exchange their tickets for an alternative date. These provisions shall be deemed to satisfy all rights of ticket holders who purchase tickets for Scaresville. Please note that these decisions are at the sole discretion of Scaresville management.


11. Scaresville operates a No Refunds Policy. Once tickets are booked, no refunds or transfers to another date or time are available under any circumstances.


12. Scaresville is designed to be an immersive and challenging experience. As such, the event involves navigating through dark, confined, and uneven spaces. Due to the nature of these environments, wheelchairs are unfortunately not permitted within the Scare Zone. We also advise against attending if you have any mobility issues, including difficulty walking or maintaining balance. The event is physically demanding, and we prioritise the safety of all guests.

If you have specific accessibility requirements or concerns, please contact us directly before booking your tickets.